Executive Summary

 Preciada Azancot’s research at the University Hospital of La Princesa in Madrid between 1991 and 1993 led her to discover the precise emotional causes of the main diseases afflicting today’s society.

 Based on people’s typology (in other words their pattern of functioning in terms of emotional and sensory engineering), they are more prone to certain emotional dysfunctions and, consequently, certain diseases.

 This document proposes the creation of a consortium for the purpose of developing a computerised self-service system capable of:

  • Determining people’s typology and phase (i.e., state of health or deterioration of their emotional and sensory engineering) and providing:
    • A preventive treatment, for application in the context of:
      • Boards of health, health centres, traditional and alternative medicine faculties, associations for the prevention and treatment of particular diseases, major firms and individual citizens.
      • A curative treatment, for application in the context of:
      • Hospitals, specialised clinics, patients’ associations for particular diseases.

 We also propose analysing the convenience of creating Telematic Centres of specialised professionals with a view to providing second-level customised support by video-conference.

Although Preciada Azancot has discovered the emotional causes of many of today’s most severe pathologies, we propose focusing the project on heart disease, cancer, and neuropathies. The two first because they are the major causes of death from disease in our society and the third, because according to Dra. Azancot’s strategic investigations, it will be increasingly prevalent in the near future, on top of being the second cause of death in the world among over 49-year olds[1].

Project Background

 Preciada Azancot

 Preciada Azancot Medina, creator of MAT, was born in Fez in 1943. Although of French culture and family, she chose to settle in Spain with Spanish nationality in homage to her Sephardic roots. She lived in Paris and Caracas before choosing Madrid and, currently, Jávea.

Graduated in Public Law, with post-graduated studies in international public law and political science from universities approved by Bordeaux, Transactional Analyst, professional artist and writer (author of eighteen books published to date, see Amazon). She has worked as an engineer in organisation and methods and as specialised consultant in organisational and strategic change management since 1974, starting out in this career with SERETES, Paris.

She is the creator of MAT (the Meta-model of Analysis that Transforms) – patent and 31 registered titles of intellectual property, since 1988 -. Please refer to the web page:

She is the founder and president of MAT CACHET which divulges MAT in the fields of consulting, training, research and innovation.


 MAT proves, after twenty two years of voluntarily silent and solitary demanding verification of more than 120,000 cases, that the human being is not, as affirmed since the time of the ancient Greeks, four-dimensional. No. The human being has, in terms of health, six structures, each one highly specialised in fulfilling one of the six vital and indispensable functions for life. In other words, not as Maslow states – safety, belonging, status, and self-XX actualisation – but rather as demonstrated by MAT’s Omega Theory: very precisely and in this strict hierarchical order: safety, development, justice, transformation, belonging and plenitude.

MAT proves that the emotions are not uncontrollable and unforeseeable “states of mind”, and instead are the six only intelligent and innate highly specialised energies designed for the correct and efficient functioning of each one of our six structures. And not randomly, but scientifically, objectively.

 MAT also proves that we have six senses – sex also being a sense – and not five, which, are highly specialised in summoning each one of the six authentic emotions respectively, which are our natural antennae for capturing the truth of our environment and allowing us to react assertively and with vitality, as the only real basis for growth and evolution.

MAT additionally proves that, unfortunately, for precise reasons of emotional engineering which it discloses and reveals, we are all born with a dominant personality typology – in other words a recurring and very specific dysfunctioning of our emotional engineering – and that this typology positions us, as the jail that it truly is, with our backs to our skill, true talent and most gratifying vocation.

MAT additionally provides an exact science which detects – in record time – each person’s true skill, true talent and true vocation. And it shows that the skill can be easily detected without MAT, but only mobilises 20% of our potential. That the talent, without MAT, is very difficult and awkward to detect, although it mobilises 40% of our potential. And, that the vocation is practically impossible to detect without MAT, although it mobilises 80% of our potential. Because MAT demonstrates that the typological equations of our emotional and sensory engineering obey precise laws, in the authentic order of the human being, discovered by MAT.[2]

MAT and Health

 According to this new science, known as MAT and validated in more than 120,000 cases, 98% OF PEOPLE PRESENT EMOTIONAL DYSFUNCTIONS THAT CAN FAVOUR THE APPEARANCE OF HIGH RISK DISEASES. Of this 98%, only 15% present low risks. Only 2% of the population can be considered free of risk due to their appropriate functional engineering:

  • Investigations regarding MAT’s application in hospitals have shown that MAT reveals the relationship between standard emotional dysfunctions and the progress of diseases such as cardiopathies, cancer and neurological illnesses. Other high risk diseases such as lung disease, AIDS, endocrine and nutritional disorders have also been researched by Dra. Azancot, but, as we already mentioned in the introduction, we intend to leave them outside the scope of this proposal for now.
  • Also, and this is very important, each precise dysfunction proved to be the cause of just one of the high risk diseases, meaning that being aware of this and knowing how to correct it is extremely useful and a major priority in the prevention and treatment of each disease researched using MAT.
  • Correcting certain very precise deviated or unauthentic emotions favours an improvement in health and the favourable evolution of the diseases researched by MAT’s creator.

 In May 2010, Preciada Azancot (invited as the sole guest speaker at this official event) gave a conference to various specialists in Zaragoza (attended by more than 180 doctors, invited by the President of the Illustrious Medical College of Zaragoza and by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Zaragoza, organised by the biomedical firm Pfizer) as part of a training program aimed at applying MAT therapy in prevention and as a complementary treatment. The unanimous opinion of the participating doctors was to “invite MAT to be considered a new paradigm in medicine”.

 This new scientific method has located and verified the typical emotional dysfunctions or behavioural patterns of these patients, which are different for each disease.

  • In a study carried out on 504 heart disease patients with a confirmed diagnosis by the cardiology department of Madrid’s Hospital de la Princesa and under the supervision of the head of the cardiology department, 93% of patients followed the same behavioural pattern revealing the same emotional dysfunction.
  • Another also very precise emotional dysfunction proved to be shared by the more than 200 cancer patients with a confirmed diagnosis analysed using MAT.
  • A third disturbed emotional pattern proved inherent to the neurological patients investigated by Dra. Azancot. Once these inadequate patterns of emotional functioning are explained and verified, it is fairly simple to train doctors and patients to restore the healthy emotional functioning, improving and even returning lost health to patients.

Please, read this article: A new beheavorial pattern can combat heart diseases.

 When we manage to have each structure fed by the corresponding authentic emotion and ideally connected to its corresponding sense or natural antenna, we achieve the harmony and vitality that allows us to feel well and that guarantees our physical and psychic health.

 MAT’s creator invites specialists, foundations and universities to verify and document the discovered behavioural patterns and to apply their correction not only in the context of prevention, but also as a complementary treatment to the pharmacopoeia for said diseases. Dra. Azancot’s latest book, “Librarse de las enfermedades y de paso aterrizar en la sensatez” (Abandoning diseases, and recovering common sense in the process) is exclusively devoted to this subject.

“In terms of prevention it is not enough to recommend a Mediterranean diet and to stop smoking. We need to eradicate the structural causes: to learn, correct, differentiate and conserve the authentic emotions and their specific functions”, asserts Preciada Azancot.

 A good example of the efficacy of MAT therapy could be the reduction of the percentage of arteries that close again following an angioplasty (procedure for opening obstructed coronary arteries), estimating that post-surgery stenosis could be reduced from the current 30% to 5% when MAT treatment is used as a complement to the intervention.

Action Lines

 1.- Personality diagnosis project: people’s typology and phase.

 Objective: To create a computer system capable of automatically performing a personality diagnosis, based on the wisdom and experience of Preciada Azancot.

 Purpose: To determine a person’s typology and phase is the first step to be able to prepare a customised preventive and/or curative treatment. This is because the MAT diagnosis reveals the person’s way of functioning as if it were a sound scan.

 Mode of realisation:

Given that the personality typology is gestated, according to MAT’s discoveries, in the mother’s womb as a prefect and healthy reaction to the mother’s dominant emotion during gestation thereby entailing a neuroendocrine imbalance in the foetus, which affects its specific morphology and facial features, the typology can also be detected from a photographic analysis of human faces. This skill is only acquired after extensive training and nobody can surpass MAT’s own creator at it, given that her typological diagnoses from photographs is 100% accurate. For this reason, automatically diagnosing the subject’s typology has an incalculable potential value.

Thousands of photographs of anonymous people must be obtained, with specific resolutions and settings. Preciada Azancot will classify said faces into the six major “typological families” and into the 37 existing basic typological patterns.

A software development team must be able to create the algorithms required to extract the data that allow classification. For example, an algorithm can analyse the dominant geometrical shape of the face, another algorithm would analyse the relative positioning, size and shape of eyes, nose, cheekbones, ears and jaws. With these algorithms, the characteristics inherent to each one of the 37 patterns could be extracted. These functions would be used to classify new faces having characteristics that coincide with one of the existing patterns. For this purpose, a statistical system of the hidden Markov model type would be necessary.

The system’s reliability must be verified by entering several hundred photographs not included in the training of the system and previously classified by Preciada Azancot.

The system must be capable of working with photographs of faces taken with standard market Webcam resolutions.

A phase is contemplated of system refinement and development of tools that allow the system to self-train and self-perfect once it passes onto the production phase.

 Sources of income:

In addition to serving as a basis for the preventive therapy and curative therapy projects set out below, this system can be launched on the market as a “stand alone” system for the public in general so that they can get to know themselves in an absolutely novel and exact way. The system would be enriched through the detailed diagnosis of the individual’s personality and with reading recommendations of our books.

This system is also enormously useful for company human resources departments, needing to select professionals according to their skills. And, in general, for any activity in which the personality of the individual to be selected is important, for example, TV programs or the army, the police force or the war on terrorism.

The way of selling the system could be by number of licences, through use in ASP mode (Application Service Provider) or through diagnosis.

In addition to sales of licences, the system could and should provide us with fixed clients, students of online and attended courses on MAT, sponsors for human development programs and readers of our books.

We should not forget schools and universities, so that they can get to know, manage and extract the true talents and vocations of their pupils and students.

2.- Preventive Therapies Project

 Objective: To create a computer system capable of proposing preventive therapies for groups at risk of suffering high risk diseases.

 Purpose: To prevent a high percentage of high risk diseases from appearing by correcting the emotional dysfunctions that favour them.

 Mode of realisation:

The proposal is to create a computer system, accessed by Internet, with the following functionality:

a) Once the computer diagnosis has been made (see the previous section), the user will undergo a battery of tests in order to determine the state of his emotions.

b) Using the test results, the risk associated to each emotion with a hit rate of less than 70% will be determined in decreasing order. Because MAT proves that each authentic emotion governs its own relative system, not only in basic and inalienable needs and capacities of the human being, but also guarantees the good functioning of the corresponding neuro-endocrine system and that of the respective organs and vital functions that depend on its correct functioning. And, as we already demonstrated, for MAT there are six systems that are related but very distinct, which need to function adequately and, if they don’t, propitiate specific high risk diseases.

c) A verification of risks will be conducted by evaluating the functioning of the senses using another series of tests. The poor functioning of the senses associated to each emotion is an indicator of maximum alert, since it is evidence of a severe collapse of the related emotion.

d) Indication of the most frequent typological diseases.

e) Proposal for the preventive treatment of the most threatening disease (with a customised questionnaire to verify the patient’s medical history and suggest prevention in two or more phases: first so as not to repeat a past and cured disease – if already active, passing the patient onto the curative group) – and then to prevent looming diseases in order of severity and/or risk.

Sources of income:

This system is potentially attractive for:

  • Boards of Health,
  • Primary care health centres,
  • Faculties of traditional and alternative medicine,
  • Private medical consultancies,
  • Associations for the prevention and fight against specific diseases,
  • Major corporations, and
  • Individual health aware citizens.

The way of selling the system could be by number of licences, use in ASP mode (Application Service Provider) or even by number of treated patients. In the case of individual citizens, there will be a charge per treatment.

In addition to the sale of licences, the system can and should provide fixed clients, students of MAT courses, and sponsors for very specific programmes per disease as well as readers of our books.

3.- Curative Therapies Project

 Objective: To create a computer system capable of proposing curative therapies for groups of high risk patients.

 Purpose: To prevent a high percentage of relapses and deaths, by correcting the emotional dysfunctions which favour them.

 Mode of realisation:

The proposal is to produce a computer system accessed by Internet, with the following functionality:

  • The functionality set out in Project 2 (Preventive Therapies Project), sections a, b, c and d.

And also:

e) To produce VERY distinct packages to train specialist doctors and patients of heart disease, cancer and neurological diseases. Further on, to extend this to diseases already researched by Dra. Azancot: lung diseases, endocrine and nutritional disorders (obesity and anorexia) and, also minor illnesses (flu, infections, headaches, indigestion and gases, asthma, allergies, etc…). To conduct a pilot test on about 200 patients of each illness in order to refine the validity of the questionnaires.

f) To make an inventory of the clichés associated to each emotion because it would be very easy to verify that the disease is merely to swallow the politically correct cliché that distances us from the healthy management of the corresponding emotion and to draw up the curative treatment by appealing to the patient’s intelligence and confirmed experience. The problem here will lie in detecting which emotions certain clichés are associated to that make one swallow “magical” and mistaken ideas that distance the patient from the healthy management of his emotions.

g) To prepare different treatments according to country and, especially culture (Occidental, Oriental, South American, North American) because MAT similarly detects the very precise dysfunctions that each country’s culture favours as well as the most efficient channel of communication for dialoguing with people from very different cultures, and thus understand and help them.

h) To draw up a programme of announcement of results for medical universities and associations worldwide.

i) Also, and this is essential, to produce a robot programme per typology that shows how profitable, pleasurable and easy it is to be in emotional order and how to achieve it, and how dangerous it is to turn one’s back on oneself and waste public money on diseases that are painful for the individual, his family and relatives.

 Sources of income:

This system is potentially attractive for:

  • Hospitals,
  • Specialised clinics,
  • Private medical consultations,
  • Patients associations for the fight against precise diseases, and
  • Individual patients.

The way of selling the system could be by number of licences, by use in ASP mode or even by number of treated patients. In the case of individual patients, it would be sold per treatment.

In addition to the sale of licences, the system can and should provide us with fixed clients, doctors and patients students of MAT courses, sponsors for specific programmes per disease, royalties for teaching the methodology in faculties of medicine.

General Notes:

 In order to take on a project of these characteristics – highly innovative, critical for society and with a high degree of complexity – we propose using the MAT Methodology of Innovation[3], in all phases of system design, development and testing.

The three proposed systems can be developed in many languages at a low differential cost, meaning that the sales scope would be worldwide.

When it comes to estimating the revenue for this project, we can assume that a major percentage of registered doctors will use it as part of their professional activity. Just in Spain, there are 220,000 registered doctors[4].

Throughout the project’s development an estimate of the savings for the Public Health System should be made as a result of implementing the proposed system, among these, reduced numbers of visits to Primary Care Centres, and to the hospital system due to the preventive treatments and reduction in the number of relapses among patients due to the curative treatments.

To this effect, once the complete system has been developed, it must be monitored for at least one year for four groups of citizens: the group in preventive treatment, the control group for comparison with the group under preventive treatment, the group in curative treatment and the control group for comparison with the group under curative treatment.

We are convinced that the savings could be in the region of thousands of millions of euros just in Spain, where the public health cost exceeds 60,000 million euros a year and the country’s total health expense exceeds 80,000 million euros.

At the same time, with the implementation of this system at various levels of public health, communication between primary and hospital care will be improved, resulting in better health care for the citizen.

For the development of any of the previous points, we would wish to count on the help of a Cluster in order to assess:

  • The number and type of human resources specialised in computing involved.
  • The number and type of patients and potential patients to be evaluated/controlled, depending on the selected technology for creating rules of inference and typology recognition engines.
  • Material resources for the project: Computing and telecommunications.
  • Sales price of the licences for the three described packages.
  • Very importantly: how to produce a system that cannot be easily copied or plagiarised (for example, by patenting the MAT formulae of typological algorithms and creating patentable mathematical formulae related to the specific treatments for each disease).

We are convinced that the launch of the project presented in this document will not only improve the health of all those people it is applied to and will generate enormous wealth for it promoters, but also that it represents a change in paradigm for the prevention and healing of diseases on a worldwide scale that will give prestige to all those people and institutions that support it and make it a reality.


Antonio Galvez
MAT-Cachet Co-founder
Jávea, February 13, 2014


[1] Source: “World Health Organisation”

[2] For a complete introduction to MAT, see “The Splendour of the Human Being” – author: Preciada Azancot, ISBN: 1482783789

[3] Extensively developed in the book “Metametodología MAT de la innovación y de la creación” (MAT meta-methodology of innovation and creation) – author: Preciada Azancot. ISBN: 978-84-6117-480-5.

[4] Source: National Statistics Institute of Spain – INE (

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